• Simply add the products that you wish to purchase to your cart and proceed to the checkout!
  • The company was incorporated officially on 13/08/2018.
  • The corporate identification number (CIN) of this company as per the official records is U15400UP2018PTC106928 and the company registration number is 106928.
  • Logon to our chat window or contact us page for further details.
  • Yes. You can place bulk orders for any products that are available in www.blfnb.com. You can place your bulk orders by dropping a mail to blackleaf@blfnb.com
  • Yes. You can track your order by clicking the "Track Order" in the Home Page/Profile Section.
  • Packing is our extreme concern. We take all steps to have your products delivered in a perfect and hygienic condition without any damage. We at Blackleaf Foods strive to deliver the best product and in that endeavour we accept no compromises. As far as packing is concerned we have received feedback from our customers stating that the outer packing is done in a carton box and the look is not proportionate to the order size. We take this as a complement and the reason is we do not want any amount of rough handling to affect the quality, taste, look or texture of the food item in any case.
  • Refunds are subjected to conditions and would differ on a case to case basis. Some of them are When the order is inordinately delayed to be delivered say more than a week When the products ordered are not available or have gone out of stock.
  • Blackleaf Foods strives to deliver the products that are fresh and systems are kept in place to source the best products and safely consign them to you. We don't stock the products but place once we receive orders. Even though we don't deny that it involves time we at Blackleaf Foods believe that centralising the whole despatch process would lead to economies of scale and allow quality check , aggregating the products would add value to the customers who wish to procure different products from different sources instead of routing the orders to the respective vendors.
  • Courier companies offering the best services are roped in to deliver your products safely.
    Estimated delivery are given against each products. While sincere efforts are being made to deliver the products within the given time frame factors like, availability, festive seasons, courier delays are bound to happen. These factors are constantly monitored to keep any inordinate delays under control.
    The products are prepared at the place where they have originated from or are well known and famous. Yes, if your choice is Tea and snacks then it is obviously from Gautam Buddha Nagar District.
    Yes, We offer Cash on Delivery which most of the other websites don't offer.
    We are bringing in our fold traditional, native, healthy and unique tasting sweets and snacks, Dry Fruits, Kashmiri Saffron and Assam Garden Fresh Tea, Spices to be delivered at your doorstep.
    In case an item is found to be defective, we can replace it with another.
    No, there isn’t a minimum order for delivery.
    Once the order is placed, you will get a username and password on your email. You can login to the website and cancel the order. Or, you can call us at +919911166635 to cancel your order as well.
    You can pay online using your card, net banking or UPI.
    We deliver the products to anywhere in India.
    The company is duly registered at Registrar of Companies, Kanpur (RoC-Kanpur) and is classified as the Non-govt company.